How Do I Review a Seller on Amazon


Every eCommerce entrepreneur wants adept Amazon seller feedback & product reviews, and for adept reason. 5-star reviews not merely pb contribute to proficient rankings just more conversions.

You tin't stop at getting customers to write reviews, however. Positive reviews are crucial, but you tin can't neglect seller feedback. (Yes, in that location is a difference .) To make things more than complicated, Amazon sellers must comply with strict guidelines on how, when, and what they may communicate to buyers.

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. Amazon Seller Feedback & Production Reviews
  2. Getting More Adept Reviews & Seller Feedback
  3. Compliant Communication with Amazon Buyers

Would y'all rather watch than read? Watch our full webinar on generating more reviews on Amazon.


Chapter I What'south the Difference Between Amazon Seller Feedback and Product Reviews?

Although they are often dislocated, seller feedback and product reviews serve two different purposes. Both help yous sell on Amazon, but feedback refers strictly to the seller, while reviews refer to the product.

Amazon Seller Feedback

Seller feedback measures the quality of a seller on Amazon.

Amazon customers rate their experiences with a seller by submitting feedback on aircraft, communication, and overall experience.

Sellers with a higher Amazon feedback rating win the Purchase Box.

Amazon Product Reviews

Production reviews measure the quality of an Amazon production.

Reviews provide potential buyers with crucial information and help them brand informed purchases about products listed online.

Product reviews assistance an ASIN's organic search rank.

One big departure betwixt product reviews and seller feedback is that reviews are displayed on the product detail page. Feedback scores, on the other mitt, require some deeper clicking to discover.

As a seller, yous tin can't neglect feedback or reviews, but you can prioritize them based on your business organization needs. For example, seller feedback is especially crucial to third-party sellers, who compete with others who sell identical products. If y'all're list a new product, information technology's meliorate to focus on product reviews as the first step.

CHAPTER Two How to Get More Product Reviews & Amazon Seller Feedback

The importance of seller feedback and product reviews cannot be overstated. In fact, picayune matters more than v-star reviews. How do yous get them? You lot ask!


Opposite to popular belief, yous CAN ask customers for Amazon seller reviews, equally long equally they're not imitation reviews.

You could use Vine Voices, product inserts, or social media to ask. If you want to ask within the Amazon platform, use one of the post-obit, but not both:

  • Buyer-Seller Messaging
  • Request a Review

Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging vs. Asking a Review

Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging is more comprehensive, but it'due south besides riskier. Any modifications that yous make to the original Amazon template can violate Amazon's Communications Guidelines. It'southward best if you're looking to connect with your buyers and strengthen your brand identity, Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging is for you.

Asking a Review, on the other mitt, is an unchangeable message sent by Amazon. Information technology carries no gamble equally it's inherently Amazon compliant. If you're only hoping a customer will leave seller feedback or a good review, Request a Reviews eliminates the risk of messaging restriction.

Buyer-Seller Messaging

– Available but to sellers who are Non restricted from Buyer-Seller Messaging

– Bachelor in Seller Central (express features and no automation)

– Available within Seller Labs PRO (includes automation, event triggers, analytics, more)

– Multiple pre-configured templates with customizable, personalizable text

– Appears sent from your brand

– Risk of 30-day (or permanent) intermission from Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging

Asking a Review

– Bachelor to ALL sellers, fifty-fifty those restricted from Buyer-Seller Messaging

– Available in Seller Key (no options or automation)

– Available inside Seller Labs PRO (includes automation and your choice of send times)

– Unmarried fixed message that cannot be customized

– Is sent past and from Amazon

– No take chances of brake because the message is created by Amazon

Deliver Proactive Customer Service at Just the Right Time

For Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging and Request a Review to be nearly effective, emails need to reach buyers at the right times. Regardless of whether you use Heir-apparent-Seller messaging or Request a Review, yous're going to take to do it manually. If you've got a big email list, manual communications won't usually happen at the right time.

Sending automated messages to buyers is the most efficient style to build a stiff reputation. You'll salve countless hours weekly, and tin deliver messages when customers want them, non when you accept fourth dimension to send them.

What Nigh the Early on Reviewer Program?

Previously, the Early Reviewer Program was a peachy selection for new sellers to get more Amazon seller reviews. In March of 2021, the plan closed equally office of Amazon's ongoing crackdown on incentivized reviews. Read this commodity for more than information nigh what happened to the program.

Besides remember, there is a difference between verified and unverified reviews. You're looking exclusively for verified reviews. Read our guide to verified versus unverified reviews to tell the difference.

CHAPTER Three The Do's and Dont's of Messaging

Many sellers wrongly believe that they aren't allowed to ask for Amazon seller reviews. However, sellers can and should pursue positive feedback — they just need to do it in compliance with Amazon'southward Guidelines.

Asking for Amazon Seller Reviews: The Rules

Unfortunately, Amazon compliance is much easier said than washed. To keep upward with Amazon's continual refinement of its messaging policy, we keep our Communications Policy Changes article upwards to engagement, merely hither are some basic exercise's and practice not'due south.

Exercise DO NOT

Send one communication per buyer.

Send multiple requests to the same heir-apparent.

Adhere to all of Amazon'southward Communications Guidelines.

Use conditional language like "If you love the product, leave five stars. If you lot're not happy, contact us directly."

Use neutral, respectful linguistic communication.

Ask buyers to change negative feedback

Stay up to date on Amazon's terms of service.

Offer incentives, including but not limited to, promotions and coupons.

Err on the side of caution.

Include links or external contact info, including but not limited to, e-mail addresses.

Automate your messages.

Effort to contact buyers directly by email.

Personalize the message in compliance with Amazon's guidelines.

Endeavor to contact buyers who take opted out of Buyer-Seller Messages.

Apply Buyer-Seller Messaging or Request a Review within Amazon Seller Central, or via a reputable tertiary-party tool.

Promote other products, brands, websites, etc.

Request only seller feedback, or only a product review, non both.

Solicit reviews from paid sources, friends, family, etc.

Mitigating Run a risk of Heir-apparent-Seller Restrictions

How practise y'all get more than feedback and avoid negative reviews? Follow the rules.

Admittedly, Amazon'southward Program Policies are lengthy and disruptive. Still, at the end of the mean solar day, it's your responsibility to keep up with Amazon's guidelines. The consequence for noncompliance is a thirty-day Buyer-Seller Messaging restriction.

Say you were restricted from Amazon Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging … Now what?

  1. Stay calm. While you volition be temporarily unable to use Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging, withal able to get unsolicited seller feedback and production reviews.
  2. Switch to using Request a Review. While it is more limited than Buyer-Seller Messaging, the Asking a Review button is withal available to you.
  3. Inspect your messages to make sure that everything is compliant. If you find a violation, rectify it immediately.
  4. If you lot still can't discover the problem, contact Amazon Support and ask why you received the restriction.
  5. Expect out the xxx days, and if you're certain there is no violation, you lot might try returning to Buyer-Seller Messaging. If and then, know that you are at present at risk for a second messaging restriction, which can lead to the dreaded Amazon account suspension.

Ever be upward-to-date on the latest industry news and best practices.

Decision Automate Communications for More Amazon Seller Reviews

Hopefully, you've understood the demand to enquire customers for reviews. Merely earlier you create a library of letters that you tin engage with buyers at every critical juncture — concord tight.

Automate it. Automation means meeting your customers' needs every step of the way, getting more seller feedback and product reviews, and proactively attending to any potential product or shipping issues. Build trust with your buyers, without babysitting every ship!

There is no shortage of third-party review software and services to do so. Features and prices vary and some services are more reputable than others.

Seller Labs PRO vs. Amazon Seller Central

To keep it simple, let's compare features between 2 providers that are committed to communications compliance, Seller Labs, and Amazon Seller Central.

Seller Labs PRO Buyer-Seller Messaging Amazon Seller Central Heir-apparent-Seller Messaging
Automated Yes
From Address Display Your Brand Amazon
Customizable Text Yes Yes
Brandable Yes
Blacklist (Opt-Out) Yes Yes
Amazon-Compliant Pre-Installed Templates Yes Yes
Advanced Bulletin Filters Yes
Attachments Allowed Yes Yes
HTML/CSS Rich Yes Yes
Multiple Event Triggers Yes
Analytics Yes
Automatic Transport Date Pick Yes
Marketplaces Served eleven All
Review Monitoring Yes
Notifications Yes
Brake Risk Yes Yes

Seller Labs PRO Buyer-Seller Messaging clearly has more features than Amazon Seller Primal. With review monitoring and avant-garde analytics, it is clearly the best option for Buyer-Seller Messaging.

Seller Labs PRO also offers a Asking a Review feature, merely because of Amazon'south limitations, at that place is less customization available. Nonetheless, Seller Labs PRO offers customizable text with automated send dates, while Amazon Seller Central does not.

Seller Labs PRO Request a Review Amazon Seller Fundamental Request a Review
Automatic Yes
From Address Display Amazon Amazon
Customizable Text Yes
Blacklist (Opt-Out) Yes Yes
Amazon-Compliant Pre-Installed Templates Yes Yes
Automated Send Date Selection Yes
Marketplaces Served 11 All
Automated Translation to Buyer'southward Preferred Language Yes Yes

The easiest, most powerful, most efficient way to get more Amazon seller feedback and reviews is by automating your emails. Utilize features similar event triggers, and notifications, not bachelor in Amazon's Seller Primal.

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